Publications: Invited Talks
This list includes the invited talks from the "Conferences" tab and additional ones at universities and industry
152. R. Bashir, “BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology: From Lab on Chip to Printing Cellular Machines,” Co-Organizer (with S. Guha and Bjorn Lussem) of US NSF US-BRAZIL Workshop: “Biosensors – From Bioanalytics to Device Integration”, Nov. 8-10, 2017. Santo Andre, Sao Paolo, Brazil.
151. R. Bashir, “BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology: From Lab on Chip to Printing Cellular Machines,” Society of Engineering Mechanics Annual Conference. Indianapolis, IN, June 13, 2017. (Keynote Talk)
150. R. Bashir, “Biomedical Micro and Nanotechnology: Opportunities and Prospects,” 12th Annual Ontario on a Chip Symposium, Ontario, Canada, May 25–26, 2017. (Keynote Talk.)
149. R. Bashir, “3D Printed Skeletal Muscle-Powered Biological Machines,” Materials Research Symposium Spring Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, April 17–21, 2017.
148. R. Bashir, “BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology: Opportunities and Prospects,” Plenary Talk at the Kilpatrick Lecturer Sympoisum “Sensor Science and Technology,” Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, April 10, 2017.
147. R. Bashir, “Micro and Nanotechnology in Biology and Medicine: Applications in POC Diagnostics, Biofabrication and More…,” The Advanced Study Institute on Global Healthcare Education, Harvard University, Boston, MA, March 25–26, 2017.
146. R. Bashir, “How to Engineer a Living System,” AAAS Annual Meeting in Boston, Session: Integrated Cellular Systems: Building Machines with Cells, Saturday, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA, February 18, 2017.
145. R. Bashir, “Micro and Nanotechnology in Medicine: Applications in POC Diagnostics and 3D Bioprinting,” Department of Biomedical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, Nov. 8, 2016.
144. R. Bashir, “Micro and Nanotechnology in Medicine: Applications in POC Diagnostics and 3D Bioprinting,” Distinguished Lecture Series, J. Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Florida, Gainsville, FL, Nov. 7, 2016.
143. R. Bashir, “3D Bioprinting for Tissue Engineering and Biological Machines,” Biofabrication 2016, Winston-Salem, NC, Oct. 30, 2016. (Plenary Talk.)
142. R. Bashir, “From Lab on Chip to Building with Cells: Interfacing Engineering, Biology and Medicine at the Micro and Nanoscale,” King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Sept. 27, 2016.
141. R. Bashir, “Engineered (and Emergent) Living Systems: 3D Printed Living Systems,” 1st International Workshop on Engineered Living Systems, Chicago, IL, August 3-4, 2016.
140. R. Bashir, “Micro and Nanoelectronic Devices for Biology and Medicine,” ARO/NSF/SRC Technical Exchange Meeting: Cell-Semiconductor Interfaces and Hybrid Semiconductor-Biological Systems, Georgia Tech Hotel & Conference Center, Atlanta, GA, July 27–28, 2016.
139. R. Bashir, “Interfacing Engineering, Biology, and Medicine at the Micro and Nanoscale: from Lab-on-Chip to Building with Cells,” Seminar series, Parker H. Petit Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience, Georgia Tech, April 19, 2016.
138. R. Bashir, “From Lab on Chip to Building with Cells: Interfacing Engineering, Biology and Medicine at the Micro and Nanoscale,” Rice University Houston Methodist Research Institute Seminar, Houston, TX, Feb. 1, 2016.
137. R. Bashir, “From Lab on Chip to Building with Cells: Interfacing Engineering, Biology and Medicine at the Micro and Nanoscale,” Houston Methodist Research Institute Seminar, Houston, TX, Feb. 1, 2016.
136. R. Bashir, “From Lab on Chip to Building with Cells: Interfacing Engineering, Biology and Medicine at the Micro and Nanoscale,” BME Distinguished Seminar Series at UC Davis, Jan. 28, 2016.
135. R. Bashir, “Building Emergent Biological Systems: (Using Macro to Nano),” 2015 NSF Nanoscale Science and Engineering Grantees Conference: Progress in Nanotechnology, Arlington, VA, December 9, 2015. (Plenary Talk.)
134. J. Shim, G. I. Humphreys, A. M. Nardulli, F. Kosari, G. Vasmatzis, W. R. Taylor, D. A. Ahlquist, and R. Bashir, “Nanopore-Based Detection of Biomarker toward Cancer Diagnostics,” Symposium K: Materials Science, Technology and Devices for Cancer Modeling, Diagnosis and Treatment, 2015 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, MA, November 29–December 4, 2015. (Invited Talk.)
133. R. Bashir, “Microfluidic Blood Cell Counters for Biomedical Diagnostics,” Point-of-Care Diagnostics and Global Health World Congress, San Diego, CA, September 29, 2015.
132. R. Bashir, J. Shim, S. Banerjee, A. Nardulli, G. Vasmatzis, and D. Ahlquist, “Nanopore Based Methylation Analysis,” Drug Discovery & Therapy World Congress 2015, Boston, MA, July 22–25, 2015. (Invited Talk.)
131. R. Bashir, “From Lab on Chip to Building with Cells: Interfacing Engineering, Biology and Medicine at the Micro and Nanoscale,” 2015 ASME NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology Congress (NEMB), Minneapolis, MN, April 19–22, 2015. (Plenary Talk.)
130. R. Bashir, “Microfluidics and Nanotechnology for Point of Care Diagnostics,” Design of Medical Devices Conference, Minneapolis, MN, April 14, 2015. (Invited Talk.)
129. R. Bashir, “3-D Printing of Biological Systems for Tissue Engineering and Biological Soft Robotics,” SelectBio Tissue Engineering & BioPrinting: Research to Commercialization Conference, Boston, MA, February 9-10, 2015. (Invited Talk.)
128. R. Bashir, “Interfacing Biology and Medicine at the Micro and Nanoscale,” Visionary Frontiers at the Convergence of Biology and Engineering, AAAS auditorium at 1200 New York Ave, NW, Washington, DC, January 14, 2015. (Invited Talk.)
127. R. Raman, C. Cvetkovic, H. J. Kong, and R. Bashir, “3-D Printing of Biological Systems for Tissue Engineering and Biological Soft Robotics,” Symposium H: Micro/Nano Engineering and Devices for Molecular and Cellular Manipulation, Stimulation and Analysis, MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit Boston, MA, November 30–December 5, 2014. (Invited Talk.)
126. R. Bashir, “Electrical Lab on Chip for Point of Care Diagnostics”, Point of Care Diagnostics World Congress, September 18-19, 2014, San Diego, CA. (Invited Talk)
125. Cvetkovic, R. Raman, V. Chan, R. Bashir, “3-D Biofabrication of Creating Biological Machines (soft robotics and drug screening)”, 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, July 6-11, 2014, Boston, MA. (Invited Talk).
124. R. Bashir, “Interfacing Engineering, Biology, and Medicine at the Micro and NanoScale: From Lab-on-Chip to Building Systems with Cells”, 2014 Interdisciplinary Faculty Retreat, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, May 15th, 2014 (Key Note Talk).
123. R. Bashir, “Biomedical Micro and Nanotechnology: From Lab-on-Chip to Building Systems with Cells”, Lab-on-a-Chip European Congress, March 10-11, 2014, Berlin, Germany (Key Note Talk).
122. R. Bashir, “Lab on Chip for Point of Care Diagnostics”, MRS Spring Meeting, April 21-25, 2014, San Francisco, CA. (Invited Talk)
121. R. Bashir, “Biomedical Micro and Nanotechnology: From Lab-on-Chip to Building Systems with Cells”, Transducers 2013 & Eurosensors XXVII: The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, June 20th, 2013, Barcelona, Spain. (Invited).
120. R. Bashir, “Integrated Cellular Systems”, IEEE Life Sciences Grand Challenge Meeting, Dec 2nd – 4th, 2013. Singapore.
119. R. Bashir, “Biomedical Micro and Nanotechnology: From Lab-on-Chip to Building Systems with Cells”, 15th International Conference on BioMedical Engineering (, Singapore, December 4th to 7th, 2013 (Plenary Talk)
118. V..Chan,H. Kong, R. Bashir. “3D fabrication of biological machines”, IEEE EMBS Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Osaka, Japan, July 3-7, 2013 (Invited).
117. R. Bashir, “Biomedical Micro and Nanotechnology: From Lab-on-Chip to Building Systems with Cells”, 2013 Device Research Conference (DRC), South Bend, IN. (Plenary Talk).
116. R. Bashir, “Biomedical Micro and Nanotechnology: From Lab-on-Chip to Building Systems with Cells”, Transducers 2013 & Eurosensors XXVII: The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, Barcelona, Spain, June 20th, 2013. (Invited).
115. R. Bashir, “Biomedical Micro and Nanotechnology: From Lab-on-Chip to Building Systems with Cells”, Advances in Microfluidics & Nanofluidics 2013, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, 24-26 May 2013 (Keynote Talk)
114. R. Bashir, “Biomedical Micro and Nanotechnology: From Lab-on-Chip to Building Systems with Cells”, Stanford Radiology Department, Stanford. CA. March 19th, 2013.
113. R. Bashir, “Biomedical Micro and Nanotechnology: From Lab-on-Chip to Building Systems with Cells”, Department of Bioengineering, University of California San Diego, March 3rd 2013.
112. R. Bashir, “Advanced Solid-State Nanopore Architectures”, American Physical Society March Meeting 2013, Baltimore MD, March 19th, 2013 (Invited Talk).
111. U. Hassan, R. Bashir, “Point-of-Care CD4 & CD8 T Lymphocyte Counter for HIV/AIDS Diagnostics”, Continuing Medical Education Lecture, Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Center, Lahore, Pakistan, 24 December, 2012.
110. R. Bashir, “Micro & Nanotechnology for Biology and Medicine: Applications in Point-of-Care Diagnostics and Fabrication of Cell-Based Systems”, Biomedical Engineering, University of Minnesota, MN, Nov 25th, 2012.
109. R. Bashir, “Micro & Nanotechnology for Biology and Medicine: Applications in Point-of-Care Diagnostics and Fabrication of Cell-Based Systems”, Mechanical Engineering Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Nov 9th, 2012
108. R. Bashir, “3-D Biofabrication for Development of Cellular Systems”, Track: New Frontiers and Special Topics: Cellular Machines IBiomedical Engineering Society Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, 26th Oct, 2012
107. R. Bashir, “Microfluidics and Nanotechnology for Point of Care Sensors”, Biomedical Engineering Society Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, 25th Oct, 2012
106. R. Bashir, “BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology”, Department of Bioengineering, University of California, San Diego, Oct 19th, 2012.
105. R. Bashir, “Micro and Nanotechnology for Combating Cancer”, IEEE Life Sciences Grand Challenges Conference to be held in the National Academy Auditorium at Washington DC, from October 4-5, 2012
104. E. Salm, C. Duarte, and R. Bashir, “Integrated Lab on Chip for Detection of Cells and Micro-Organisms,” invited paper at the IEEE 2012 Photonics Conference, Burlingame, CA, September 23–27, 2012.
103. P. Bajaj, V. Chan, J. Jeong, P. Zorlutuna, H.Kong, R.Bashir, “3-D Biofabrication using Stereolithography for Biology and Medicine”, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, September San Diego, CA, 2012. (Invited Talk).
102. Solovyeva, S. Banerjee, J. Shim, J. Rivera, and R. Bashir, “Solid State Nanopore Sensors for Nucleic Acid Analysis,” Invited talk at IEEE NANO 2012: 12th International Conference on Nanotechnology, Birmingham, UK, Aug. 20–23, 2012.
101. R. Bashir, “MEMS and nanotechnology in medical and biological problems”, Biosensing and Nanomedicine-II at SPIE Optics and Photonics, August 12th to 16th 2012, San Diego, CA
100. R. Bashir, “Nanotechnology for Cancer Diagnostics and Therapeutics”, 2012 NSTI Cancer Nanotechnology Symposium, Key Note Speaker, June 20th, 2012. Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA.
99. Piyush Bajaj, Vincent Chan, Jae H. Jeong, Pinar Zorlutuna, Hyun J. Kong, Rashid Bashir, “3-D Biofabrication for Development of Cellular Systems”, MRS Spring Meeting, Session PP, Manipulating Cellular Microenvironments, 2012.
98. R. Bashir, “BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology: Interfacing Biology, Medicine and Engineering at the Micro and Nano Scale”, Nano-Bio Collaborative International Conference 2012 Program. University of South Florida, Tampa, FL. March 22nd, 2011.
97. R. Bashir, “BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology: Interfacing Biology, Medicine and Engineering at the Micro and Nano Scale”, NOGUCHI MEMORIAL INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES, Thursday 12th January, 2012.
96. R. Bashir, Interfacing Biology and Silicon at the Micro and Nanoscale: Opportunities and Prospects in Cancer and Mechanobiology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. Nov 28th, 2011.
95. R. Bashir, Interfacing Biology and Silicon at the Micro and Nanoscale: Opportunities and Prospects, Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. Nov 11th, 2011.
94. Ximenes, E., Li, X., Vibbert, H, Liu L., Foster, K., Jones, J., Fleischman A., Bhunia A., Bashir R., Mauer, L., Ladisch, M. Rapid Sample Processing for Pathogen Detection. Food Safety Forum. Shanghai, China, September, 2011.
93. R. Bashir, “Out-reach beyond the Alliance” – Moderated Panel and Talk at the Annual Meeting for the NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer, Boston, MD. Sept 21st-23rd, 2011.
92. R. Bashir, 3-D Biofabrication and BioMEMS for Biology and Medicine, 2011 GEM4 Summer School, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA. June 26th, 2011.
91. B. M. Venkatesan and R. Bashir, Al2O3 Nanopore Sensors for complex DNA Analysis (Invited Talk), 11th International Symposium on Mutations in the Genome, Human Variome Society, 6 - 10 June 2011, Santorini, Greece
90. R. Bashir, “BioMEMS and Biofabrication for Development of Cellular Systems”, Invited Investigator Seminar, NSF Science and Technology Center EBICS (Emergent Behaviors of Integrated Cellular Systems), May 6th, 2011. Broadcasted at UIUC, MIT, GT, UC Merced, CCNY.
89. R. Bashir, “Interfacing Engineering, Biology, and Medicine at the Micro and Nanoscale”, UT Austin Bioengineering Seminar Series, Austin, TX. March 10th, 2011.
88. R. Bashir, "Interfacing Engineering, Biology, and Medicine at the Micro and Nanoscale", UT Austin Bioengineering Seminar Series, Austin, TX. March 10th, 2011.
87. R. Bashir, "Interfacing Engineering, Biology, and Medicine at the Micro and Nanoscale", IEEE EDS Distinguished Lecture, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, March 3rd, 2011.
86. R. Bashir, "Interfacing Engineering, Biology, and Medicine at the Micro and Nanoscale", IEEE EDS Distinguished Lecture and Nano-Electronics/Photonics Seminar Series, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana EDS Chapter, Jan 31st, 2011
85. R. Bashir, "BioMEMS and 3-D Biofabrication for Biology and Medicine", Bioengineering Seminar Series, University of California, Merced, Jan 28th, 2011.
84. R. Bashir, "BioMEMS and 3-D Biofabrication for Biology and Medicine", 50th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Cell Biology (ASCB), Philedelphia, PA. Dec 10-15th, 2010.
83. Bala Murali Venkatesan, Yi-Shao Liu, Nicholas Watkins, Woo-Jin Chang, Rashid Bashir, "Integrated Nanobiosensors and Devices for Sensitive Electrical Detection of DNA Molecules", International Materials Research Congress (IMRC-2010) Symposium 23 "Nanostructure Applications in Cross-over Scientific and Technology Fields", Cancun, Mexico, Aug 16-20, 2010.
82. Vincent Chan, Pinar Zorlutuna, Jae Hyun Jeong, Hyunjoon Kong, Rashid Bashir, "3-Dimensional Bio-Fabrication for Live Cell Encapsulation", Sym 6.6-03: Molecular and Micro/Nano Biosensors in Biomedical Imaging, World Congress of Biomechanics, Singapore, Aug 1-6, 2010.
81. Rashid Bashir, "Enabling Technologies for Development and Characterization of Integrated Cellular Systems:, World Congress in Biomechanics, GEM4 Symposium, Singapore, Aug 1-6, 2010.
80. Rashid Bashir, "Interface of Medicine, Biology, and Silicon at the Micro and Nanoscale", Department of Nanoengineering, University of California, San Diego, June 14th, 2010.
79. Rashid Bashir, "Silicon Sensors for Biology and Medicine", IEEE EDS Distinguished Lecture, EDS Puebla Chapter, National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (INAOE), Puebla, Mexico, May 20th, 2010.
78. Rashid Bashir, "Integrated Biochip Sensors for Detection of Cancer" 20th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, April 30, 2010, University of Maryland.
77. R. Bashir, "BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology in Biology and Medicine", Stanford University, Bionanotechnology Seminar Series, Feb 16th, 2010.
76. R. Bashir, "Interfacing Life Sciences and Engneering at Micro and Nanoscale', St. Louis Institute of Nanomedicine Inaugrul Symposium, Washington University, St. Louis, MO.
75. R. Bashir, "BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology in Biology and Medicine", Nanotechnology Seminar Series, Ohio State University, Jan 14th, 2010.
74. R. Bashir, "Microsystems Technologies for Probing Molecules and Cells", 49th, Annual Meeting of American Society for Cell Biology, San Diego, CA. Dec 5th, 2009 (Invited).
73. R. Bashir, Missouri Nanofrontiers Symposium, University of Missouri, Columbia, November 19th, 2009. (Invited)
72. R. Bashir, "Interfacing Life Sciences and Engineering at the Micro and Nanoscale", Institute of Microelectronics (IME), An A*Star Research Institute Singapore, August 4th, 2009, (Invited).
71. R. Bashir, "Interfacing Life Sciences and Engineering at the Micro and Nanoscale", Nanotechnology Seminar Series at National University of Singapore, August 3rd, 2009, (Invited).
70. R. Bashir, "Bionanoelectronic Sensing on a Chip", Lecture in NSF Sponsored 2009 GEM4 Summer School on Cellular and Molecular Mechanics at UIUC from June 8-19, 2009. (Invited)
69. R. Bashir, "Interfacing Life Sciences and Engineering at the Micro and Nanoscale", Vanderbilt University, April 15th, 2009, Nanotechnology Seminar Series (Invited).
68. R. Bashir, Y. S. Liu, D. Akin, O. H. Elibol, J. Reddy, K. Park, "Interfacing Silicon, Biology, and Medicine at the Micro and Nanoscale: Opportunities and Prospect", BioMEMS Topical Session at the AVS 55th International Symposium & Exhibition, October 19th - 24th, 2008, Boston, MA, USA. (Invited)
67. R. Bashir, "Novel Micro and Nanoscale Diagnosic and Therapeutic Platforms", Third Annual NCI Nanotechnology Alliance Investigators Meeting, Sept 8-10, 2008, Chicago, IL. (Invited)
66. R. Bashir, "Bacterial Detection on a Chip", Harvard/MGH CIMIT Summer Education Series, July 16th, 2008.
65. R. Bashir, I. Ahmad, "BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology for development of miniaturized instruments", Symposium on Center for Analytical Instrumentation Development, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. June 18th, 2008.
64. R. Bashir, A. Bhunia, M. Ladisch, "Engineering of biosystems for the detection of Listeria monocytogenes in foods--development of a biochip", Kansas State University, June 18th, 2008
63. R. Bashir, "Interfacing Silicon and Biology at the Micro and Nanoscale", NSF USA-EU Workshop on Bionanotechnology, Ispra, Italy, May 2008.
62. R. Bashir, "Interfacing Silicon and Biology at the Micro and Nanoscale: Opportunities and Prospects", Key Note Talk at the ISMA 2008, Amman, Jordan, May 27th, 2008.
61. R. Bashir, "Interfacing Silicon and Biology at the Micro and Nanoscale", University of Cinncinnati, Nanomedicine Center Seminar Series, Cinncinnati, OH. Feb 18th, 2008.
60. R. Bashir, "BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology: Integration of Life Sciences and Engineering at the Micro and Nanoscale", Washington University Medical School, Siteman Center for Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence, St. Loius, MO. Feb 13th, 2008.
59. R. Bashir, "BioMEMS and BioNanotechnology for Biology and Medicine", The Amelia Project Giving Wings to Research, Sponsored by the Indianapolis Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen For the Cure, February 2nd, 2008, Indianapolis, IN.
58. R. Bashir, "BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology: Integration of Life Sciences and Engineering at the Micro and Nanoscale", The Knowledge Foundation's 10th Annual Conference, BioDetection Technologies 2007, June 14th - 15th, 2007, Atlanta, Georgia.
57. R. Bashir, "'Top-Down' Micro/Nanosensors for Biology and Medicine: Opportunities and Prospects", Panel on Nanotechnology, NSF Workshop for Frontiers in Transport Phenomena Research & Education: Energy Systems, Biological Systems, Security, Information Technology & Nanotechnology" held at the University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT., May 17th -18th, 2007.
56. R. Bashir, "Integration of Silicon and Biology: Opportunities and Prospects", University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, CNST Annual Meeting. May 3rd - 4th, 2007.
55. R. Bashir, "Integration of Silicon and Biology: Opportunities and Prospects", IEEE EDS Disntiguished Lecture Series, IEEE-EDS Dallas Section, University of Texas at Arlington NanoFab, April 19th, 2007.
54. R. Bashir, "Integration of Silicon and Biology: Opportunities and Prospects", Nanotechnology Seminar Series, Univeristy of Missouri, Columbia, April 3rd, 2007.
53. R. Bashir, D. Akin, L. Yang, "BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology: Interfacing Life Sciences and Engineering at the Micro and Nanoscale", ECS Dielectric Science and Technology and Sensor Divisions, Bioelectronics, Biointerfaces, and Biomedical Applications 2 Section E6, Joint International Meeting - Cancun, Mexico - October 29-November 03, 2006 (Invited).
52. R. Bashir, "Integration of Biology with Silicon Devices: Opportunities and Future Prospects", Micro/Nanotechnology Seminar Series (MNSS) at MIT, Oct 5th, 2006.
51. R. Bashir, "BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology: Integrated Systems for Biology and Medicine", First Annual Methods in Bioengineering Conference, July 17th - 18th, 2006, Kresge Auditorium, MIT, Boston, MA.
50. R. Bashir, "Microfluidic Devices as Petri Dish on a Chip", Summer ITIC Molecular Biology Seminar - Use of Microdevices for Exploring Biology, The MITRE Corporation, McClean, VA. July 11th, 2006.
49. R. Bashir, "BioMEMS and BioNanotechnology for Biology and Medicine: Interfacing Life Sciences and Engineering at the Micro and Nanoscale", April 20th, 2006. Sigma Xi Lecture, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH. (Invited)
48. R. Bashir, "Biomedical or Biological MEMS", Workshop on Biological Large Scale Integration / BioLSI-2, Kavli Nanoscience Institute, California Institute of Technology ? April 10-12, 2006 (Invited)
47. R. Bashir, "BioMEMS in Biological Detection and Food Industry", Video-Lecture. Enterprise Forum of Micro-technologies with Applications in Food Industry", November 4th and 5th, at Texas A&M University Center in Mexico City located in Reforma Avenue No.76, 15th floor, Col. Juarez, Mexico, DF. 2005
46. R. Bashir, "BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology and Applications to Diagnostics", Plenary Session Monday Oct 31st, Topical Conference "Biomedical Applications of Nanotechnology (Bionanotechnology)", AIChE 2005 Annual Meeting, Oct 31st - Nov 4th, Cinncinnati, OH.
45. R. Bashir, "BioMEMS and BioNanotechnology for Biology and Medicine", nanoSecurity 2005: From Basic Research to Applications, Halle, Germany, Oct 24th-25th, 2005.
44. R. Bashir, "Nanotechnology and BioMEMS for Characterization of Biological Entities", Chemistry Department, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. Oct 13th, 2005.
43. R. Bashir, "BioMEMS and BioNanotechnology, Novel Tools for Biology and Medicine", Electrical Engineering Department, University of California, Los Angeles, CA. Oct. 10th, 2005.
42. R. Bashir, "BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology for Biology and Medicine", Glennan Micro-Breakfast invited talk, Cleveland, OH., Sept 16th, 2005.
41. R. Bashir, "Top Down Nanosensors for Electronic Detection of Biomolecules", 2nd Focused Workshop on Electronic Recognition of Bio molecules, Beckman Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign September 7th - 9th, 2005.
40. R. Bashir, "BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology for Biology and Medicine", Advances in Optics for Biotechnology, Medicine and Surgery Conference V, Copper Mountain Conference Resort, Denver, CO. July 24th - 28th, 2005.
39. J. Jang, A. Gupta, A. Davila, D. Akin, R. Bashir, "Nanomechanical Resonant Sensors for Virus Detection", ASME Nanomechanics: Sensors and Actuators Conference, Knoxville, TN. May 16-18th, 2005.
38. R. Bashir, "BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology: Novel Tools for Biology and Medicine", Wireless Integrated Microsystems ERC Seminar Series at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI., April 12th, 2005.
37. R. Bashir, "From Publish or Perish to Publish and Protect?", 2005 Indiana BioSensors Symposium, April 6th, 2005, Indianapolis, IN.
36. R. Bashir, A. Gupta, D. Akin, J. Jang, "Nano-mechanical Resonantor Sensors for Virus Detection," Chemical and Biological Sensing with Microcantilevers, American Physical Society Annual Meeting, Mar 21 2005, Los Angeles, CA.
35. R. Bashir, "BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology: Novel Tools for Biology and Medicine", NSF NSEC at Ohio State University Seminar Series, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH., Feb 22nd, 2005.
34. R. Bashir, "BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology: Novel Tools for Diagnostics and Biology", Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA. November 4th, 2004
33. A. Gupta, H. Li, R. Gomez, W-J Chang, Y. M. Koo, H. Chang, G. Andreadakis, D. Akin, R. Bashir, "BioMEMS to bionanotechnology: state-of-the-art in integrated biochips and future prospects", Nanosensing: Materials and Devices, SPIE, OpticsEast, vol. 5593, 25-28 October 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
32. R. Bashir, "BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology: Novel Tools for Diagnostics and Biology", NIH NIAID Nanobiology Strategies for Understanding the Immune System Workshop - June 21-22, 2004, June 26th, 2004, Bethesda, MD.
31. R. Bashir, "BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology: Novel Tools for Diagnostics and Biology", University of California, Davis, CA. March 27th, 2004
30. R. Bashir, "BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology: Novel Tools for Diagnostics and Biology", University of Illinois, Urbana, IL. March 24th, 2004
29. R. Bashir, Biomedical Engineering Society Meeting in Fall 2003, Session: BioMEMS, New Frontiers, and Emerging Technologies, October 1-4th, 2003, Nashvilled, TN.
28. R. Bashir, R. Gomez, H. Li, D. Akin, A. Gupta, "Interfacing Micro/NanoTechnology with Life-Sciences for Detection of Cells and Microorganisms, Bipolar / BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting, Emerging Technology Session, September 28-30, 2003, Toulouse, France.
27. R. Bashir, " From BioMEMS to Bionanotechnology: Interfacing Life Sciences and Engineering", Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, August 20th, 2003
26. R. Bashir, " From BioMEMS to Bionanotechnology: Interfacing Life Sciences and Engineering", Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, August 19th, 2003
25. R. Bashir, " From BioMEMS to Bionanotechnology: Interfacing Life Sciences and Engineering", BioMEMS ERC Opening Meeting, Inha University, Incheon, South Korea, August 18th, 2003
24. R. Bashir, "From BioMEMS to NanoBiotechnology: Inerfacing Life Sciences and Engineering at the Micro and Nano Scale", MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA. April 22nd, 2003
23. R. Bashir, "Integraed BioChips for the Detection of Cells and Microorganisms", 225th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 23rd-27th, 2003
22. H.McNally, S.W. Lee, D. Guo, M. Pingle, D. Bergstrom, R. Bashir, "Bio-Inspired Self Assembly Of Micro- And Nano-Structures For Sensing And Electronic Application", MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA. 2002.
21.R. Bashir, "From BioMEMS to Bionanotechnology: Interfacing Life Sciences and Engineering", American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, November 3-8, Indianapolis Convention Center, Indianapolis, IN.
20. R. Bashir, "Technology Platforms for the Characterization and Detection of Microorganisms", BioMEMS and Nanobiotechnology 2002 World Congress, Sept. 6th-9th 2002, Columbus, OH.
19. R. Bashir, "Micro and Nanobiotechnology: At the interface of life science and engineering", American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. March, 2002.
18. R. Bashir, "Micro and Nanobiotechnology: At the interface of life science and engineering", Eastman Kodak Company, Research Laboratories, Rochester, N.Y. Dec. 20th, 2001
17. H. McNally, M. Pingle, S. W. Lee, D. Guo, D. Bergstrom, R. Bashir, "Towards the use of biologically inspired techniques to assemble electronic devices", MRS Fall Meeting, San Fransisco, CA. December 3rd, 2001.
16. R. Bashir, "Micro and Nanobiotechnology: At the interface of life science and engineering", Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Palo Alto, CA. Nov. 27th, 2001
15. R. Bashir, "Micro and Nanobiotechnology: At the interface of life science and engineering", University of California Berkeley, Nano/Bio Seminar Series, Nov. 26th, 2001
14. R. Bashir, H. McNally, S. Lee, D. Guo, M. Pingle, D. Bergstrom, " BASIC: Bioinpsired Assembly of Semiconductor ICs", IBC First Meeting on Nanobiotechnology, San Diego, CA. July 16th-17th, 2001.
13. R. Bashir, "Biomedical Applications of Micro/Nano Systems Technology", Roche Diagnostics Corp. Indianapolis, IN. May 10th, 2001.
12. R. Bashir, " Nanotechnology: It's a Small World After All", Lafayette Area Rotary Club, Feb. 13th, 2001.
11. R. Bashir, ""Nanosystems for the Characterterization of Biological Species", Nanogen Incorporated, San Diego, CA. December 14th, 2000.
10. R. Bashir, "Nanosystems for the Characterterization of Biological Species", DARPA Workshop on Nanotechnology for Biodetection/Bioassay and Delivery of Therapeutics to Individual Cells, December 12th -13th , 2000, Scottsdale, AZ.
9. R. Bashir, "Nanobiotechnology: From Biochips to DNA Self-assembly", Department of Materials Science, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH., October 20th, 2000.
8. R. Bashir, "BioMEMS and Nanobiotechnology Efforts at Purdue University", Regional Conference on MicroTechnology and NanoFabrication, Argonne National Laboratories, Argonne, IL. September 7th, 2000.
7. R. Bashir, M. Ladisch, "Micro-Fluidic BioChips for Detection of Food Pathogens", Physical Sciecnes Research Laboratories, Motorola, Inc. Phoenix, Az. June 22nd, 2000.
6. R. Bashir, "MEMS based biosensors and Nano-structures", University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston & Biomedical Engineering Department, Galveston, TX., May 10th, 2000.
5. R. Bashir, G. W. Neudeck, "Novel Applications of Silicon Epitaxy", Advanced Technoogy Group, National Semiconductor Corp. Sunnyvale, CA., Nov 15th, 1999.
4. W. Yindeepol, R. Bashir, J.M. McGregor, K.C. Brown, I. De Wolf, J. DeSantis and A. Ahmed, "Defect Free Deep Trench Isolation for High Voltage Bipolar Application on SOI Wafer" IEEE Electron Devices Society Santa Clara Valley Chapter, Winter Half-Day Symposium: Rcent advances in SOI device and process technology, January 22nd, 1999, Sunnyvale, CA.
3. R. Bashir, "Bipolar/BiCMOS (SiGe/SOI) Process Development at National", Invited talk at UC Davis, Electrical Engineering Dept., Davis, CA. May 1997.
2. R. Bashir, "Bipolar (SiGe/SOI) Process Development at National", Invited talk at Texas Tech. University, Electrical Engineering/Phyiscs Monthly Symposium, Lubbock, TX. Jan 1997.
1. R. Bashir, G. W. Neudeck, "Advanced Silicon Structures Using Selective Epitaxial Growth of Silicon", NED Engineering University, Karachi, Pakistan, May 1992.